Special offer Parliament Agenda

Geplaatst op 09-11-2021  -  Categorie: News

The editor of the Parliament Agenda has offered a reduced rate for members of Corps Consulaire Nederland to buy the Parliament Agenda for the year 2022 at the amount of €30,00 excluding €6,30 VAT and excluding €4,60 postage.

The Agenda is available around 20 December 2021 and will be sent by post.

Please send your request to: mc@steenwijk-groot.nl

Name of Consulate:
Personal name:
Number of Agenda’s required: 

For further information please call: 
Mrs. Maja Steenwijk-Groot, tel: 0651218788


Names, addresses and telephone numbers of Ministers, State Secretaries, Secretaries-General and information officers; Members of the Senate and House of Representatives, of the Council of State, National Ombudsman, Court of Audit, Heads of Department of the Ministries, ICT executives, Dutch Members of the European Parliament, Officials of the Cabinet of the Governor of the Netherlands Antilles and the Cabinet of the Governor of Aruba; Commissioners of the King, Members of the Provincial Executive, Mayors, Rectors Magnificus of the Dutch Universities; Foreign and Dutch Embassies and Consulates.

Practical information on: airports, airlines, foreign tourist offices, foreign trade promoting organizations, congress centers, organization consultancies, hotels and restaurants in The Hague and Amsterdam, editions of the daily papers and opinion magazines in the Netherlands, party and contract catering in the Netherlands. 

General information about the court city The Hague and capital city Amsterdam.


The Parliament Agenda is sent to: Members of the Royal Family, Prime Minister, Ministers, State Secretaries, Members of the States General and staff officers of the bodies mentioned in the content, inter alia, Members of the Council of State, Presidents, Councilors and Advocates-General of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands, Members of the Provincial Executive. Chairmen and staff members of consultative bodies, Secretaries-General and staff members of the Ministries, Employers' and Employees' organizations, senior officials from the business community, etc.


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